Functions Quick Quote & Availability Check

Receive a Quick Quote, check availability or request an Information Pack to help you plan your event.
Complete the enquiry form below to request a Quick Quote based on the size of your event, an availability check based on the date of your event, or an Information Pack containing more details about the venue.
A Quick Quote will be calculated based on the number of invited guests, if you'd like to receive a Quick Quote, make sure you fill in the "Number of guests" field.
If you'd like to check availability of the venue for a particular date - complete the "event type" and "event date" fields. If you'd just like to receive an emailed Information Pack about the venue, which includes sample menus, just fill in your name and email address and click SEND.
Your Data
Your Data will never be shared with a 3rd party, and will only be used to contact you in order to provide you with the information you have requested. West Bradford Golf Club and The Clubhouse at West Bradford are wholly compliant with GDPR regulations on data use and storage.
Contact Us Direct.
Alternatively if you'd like to receive a detailed quote, you'd like to arrange to view the venue, or if you have any questions at all, you can call or email us direct. Please call Toni Kenehan on 01274 542 767 extension 3 or email marketing@westbradfordgolfclub.co.uk