Members Competition Guide.
West Bradford Golf Club has a number of member only tournaments running throughout the year, spanning all competition formats, some dating back to the club's formation in 1900.
The most prestigious tournaments will see your name immortalised forever on the golf clubs Honours Boards.
You can find a list of Men's Tournaments here.
You can find a list of Ladies Tournaments here.

Current Club Champions.
The Gold Cup
The winner of The Gold Cup 2022, and this years Men's Club Champion is Mr Philip Arnison
The previous winner of The Gold Cup (2021) was Mr Richard King, the winner in 2020 was Mr Cole Chang, the winner in 2019 was Mr Russell Mungovin, and The Gold Cup 2018 was won by Mr Patrick Dempsey.

2022 Club Champion Philip Arnison collects The Gold Cup.
The Hill Bowl
The winner of The Hill Bowl 2022 is Mrs Alex Gavin
Men's Tournaments.
The following trophies and competitions are played for throughout the summer season. Trophies are presented to winners at the club's Men's ANnual Dinner & Prize Presentation held in November.
Premier Competitions.
The Gold Cup
The Gold Cup is a West Bradford male members competition dating back to 1926. It is the clubs premier annual tournament, and the winner of The Gold Cup is considered to be the years club champion golfer. The Gold Cup is an individual knockout tournament running from May right the way through to the club's Finals Day in September. The winner of The Gold Cup traditionally delivers a speech to golf at the club's Annual Dinner, and their name is immortalised on West Bradford Golf Club's Honours Board.
Competition Format:- Individual Matchplay
Tee's:- Played off the "back markers" (the posts at the back of each tee).
Handicap:- 100% of the full difference between the lowest players playing handicap, and their opponents ie: 10 handicap vs 12 handicap means the higher handicapped golfer receives 2 shots, to be taken on holes 7 & 11.
Eligibility:- All members paying a full 7-day membership subscription. (A player must have submitted a minimum of 8 qualifying scores for handicap purposes (not necassarily at West Bradford) during the preceding year (Jan to Dec) of which no more than 2 can be General Play.
Note:- Maximum playing handicap is 18. Player's with handicaps higher than 18 may still enter the competition, but must play off 18.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr P. Arnison
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr R. King
The Wade Shield
The Wade Shield is another Honours Board knockout tournament. It is the oldest tournament still played at the club. The shield itself was presented to West Bradford Golf Club in the early 1900's, and members have been competing for the Shield, and for their name to appear on the accompanying Honours Board, ever since.
Competition Format:- Four Ball Better Ball Matchplay
(Ladies can enter but must partner a male golfer)
Tee's:- Male Golfers play off the white tee markers i.e. the tees usually used for summer Saturday competitions, NOT the "back markers". Ladies play from the red tee markers.
Handicap:- Players receive "shots" from the lowest handicapped golfer. Each player adjusts their Course Handicap to 90% of their Course Handicap, and then receives "strokes" from the lowest golfer, based on the difference in adjusted handicap (90% of Course Handicap) for the lowest handicapped golfer, and theirs. Example: Course Handicaps of 6, 10, 15 & 18, each adjusted to 90%, so 5, 9, 14 & 16 after rounding. The 10 handicap golfer receives 4 shots (9-5), the 15 handicap player receives 9 and the highest handicapped player receives 11. "Shots" are taken according to the stroke index* for each hole. So a player receives 4 shots, takes those shots at holes 7, 8, 11 and 16.
For mixed pairings, ladies receive and additional 3.3 shots** (to recognise the higher course rating for the ladies "red" course versus the men's "white" course)
The maximum "strokes" a player may receive is 18 from men, and 21 for ladies (corrected 21st April 2023)
Please see Appendix 1 for a detailed worked example of the calculation of "shots" received by ladies.
1:- Ladies take their shots according to the red tee marker Stroke Indices, and not the Indices for the men's tee markers.
2:- If ever a mixed matchplay competition were to be played from the men's yellow markers, and the ladies red, then the lady would receive an additional 4 shots.100% of the full difference between the lowest players playing handicap, and their opponents ie: 10 handicap vs 12 handicap means the higher handicapped golfer receives 2 shots, to be taken on holes 7 & 11.
Eligibility:- All members paying a full 7-day membership subscription. (A player must have submitted a minimum of 8 qualifying scores for handicap purposes (not necessarily at West Bradford) during the preceding year (Jan to Dec) of which no more than 2 can be General Play.
Note:- Maximum playing handicap is 18. Player's with handicaps higher than 18 may still enter the competition, but must play off 18.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- Mr G. Hallett & Mr C. Stabb
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- Mr P. Smith & Mr C. Taylor
Other Tournaments.
The Annual Medal
Competition Format:- Each Monthly Medal held during the summer season contributes to this competition. A golfers best four medal rounds over the seven medals (April to October) determines the winners i.e. the golfer with the lowest combined strokes of their qualifying four medal rounds.
Handicap:- Golfers receive 95% of their Course Handicap for each monthly medal competition.
NOTE: A golfer’s handicap at the start of the season will determine which division they are eligible to compete in i.e. A golfer who starts the year in division 2, but ends the year in division 1 because their handicap has reduced, will compete in division 2.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- 1st Div. - Mr R. H. Leach 2nd Div. - Mr S. Crawshaw 3rd Div. - Mr R. Crawshaw
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:-1st Div. -Mr P. Gavin 2nd Div. -Mr D. Gration 3rd Div. -Mr N. Thornton
The Annual Stableford
Competition Format:- Similar to the Annual Medal, but played in stableford format, over the seven monthly stableford competitions, held April to October. The winner of the three divisions is the golfer with the greatest number of stableford points, from their four qualifying rounds. Lady golfers are eligible, with their handicap determining their division.
Handicap:- Golfers receive 95% of their Course Handicap for each monthly stableford competition.
NOTE: A golfer’s handicap at the start of the season will determine which division they are eligible to compete in i.e. A golfer who starts the year in division 2, but ends the year in division 1 because their handicap has reduced, will compete in division 2.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- 1st Div. - Mr M. D. Duerden 2nd Div. - Mr T. Hemingway 3rd Div. - Mr C. I. Eccleshall
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:-1st Div. - Mr J. Andrews 2nd Div. - Mr C. Green 3rd Div. - Mr J. Green
The Scratch Medal Trophy
Competition Format:- A 36 hole strokeplay competition held over a Saturday and Sunday.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr R. J. Ellis
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr R. J. Ellis
The Scratch Order of Merit
Competition Format:- Points are awarded for each Monthly Medal and Monthly Stableford throughout the course of the summer season. The golfer with the lowest gross score in each monthly competition is awarded 5 points. Four points to the 2nd placed golfer down to 1 point for 5th place. The winner of the Order Of Merit is the golfer with the highest number of points at the end of October.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- R. J. Ellis
The previous trophy holder (2021) is:- Vacant - brand new for 2022
The North Bowl
Competition Format:- A 36 hole individual Stableford competition held over consecutive days. The winner is the golfer who has the most stableford points over the two rounds. No handicap restrictions. Open to lady golfers and men.
Handicap:- Golfers receive 95% of their Course Handicap (similar to all individual stableford competitions).
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr L. Innes
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr D. Riches
The President's Trophy
Competition Format: An 18 hole individual medal competition, played on a Saturday during the summer season. The competition is open to all golfers, with the trophy being awarded to the golfer with the lowest net score on the day, irrespective of which division they are in.
Handicap: No restrictions. Golfers receive a Playing Handicap of 95% of their Course Handicap.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr S. Evans
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr C. Chippendale
The Captain's Trophy
Competition Format: Similar in all respects to The President's Trophy.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr C. Chippendale
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr T. S. Dad
The Roger Holgate Trophy
Competition Format: Similar in all respects to The President's Trophy.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr A. Windle
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr S. Priestley
The Ralph Weldon Trophy
Competition Format: Similar in all respects to The President's Trophy.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr A. Lagan
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:-Mr E. Presland
The Silver Plate
The Silver Plate Competition is only open to first round losers of The Gold Cup.
Competition Format:- An 18 hole matchplay competition played from the white tees (not the “back markers”).
Handicap: Similar to The Gold Cup.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr C.M. McLaren
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr J. Green
The Frank Shaw Trophy
Competition Format: Similar to The Gold Cup, but open to “Rabbit” golfers only. Rabbits are defined as golfer’s with handicaps 16 to 54. However, please note the competition restriction below.
Handicap: Open to male members with handicaps 16 to 28.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr R. Gunn
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:-Mr C. Harper
The Chellow Vase
The May Monthly Medal is designated the Chellow Vase qualifying event. The first eight male players over three divisions of the May Monthly Medal will then play off in a matchplay format over 18 holes to win The Chellow Vase.
Competition Format:- Initially an 18 hole individual medal event to decide the 8 qualifiers, then knockout matchplay. The final is played on Final’s Day in September.
Handicap: No restrictions. Golfer’s receive 95% of Course Handicap in the qualifying round. For the matchplay element, see The Siver Plate above.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- Mr J. Armitage
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- Mr C. Stabb
Fourball Better Ball
The Centenary Trophy
Competition Format:- An 18 hole 4 Ball Better Ball medal competition, traditionally played for on the Saturday of the Summer Meeting held in June. No handicap restrictions and open to mixed pairings.
Handicap:- Golfers receive 90% of their Course Handicap (similar to all 4BBB competitions).
The current trophy holders are (2022) are:- Mr G.R. Meehan & Mr A. Hopps
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- Mr P.C. Dempsey & Mr M.D. Duerden
The Tom Knapton Trophy
Competition Format: Similar to The Centenary Trophy, played on a Saturday during the summer season.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- Mr N. Hart & Mr C. Goodwin
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:-Mr E. Presland & Mr S. Crawshaw
The Murray Lockwood Trophy
Competition Format: Similar to The Centenary Trophy, played on a Saturday during the summer season.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- Mr N.R. Griffiths & Mr T.J. Kelly
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:-Mr. I. Ruthven & Mr C.M. McLaren
Ladies Tournaments.
Honours Board Tournaments.
The Hill Bowl
The Hill Bowl is a knockout tournament open to full and weekday members. Qualifying rounds are played in May, with the best 16 net scores progressing through to the knockout. The winner of The Hill Bowl is considered the Ladies club champion golfer.
Competition Format:- Matchplay
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- A. Gavin
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- A. Gavin
The Irene Knapton Trophy
The Irene Knapton Trophy is a major medal round competition open to members with handicaps up to 36. Competitors must post two scorecards before the day of the finals. The winner of the trophy is decided on the final day score plus the best score from the two posted cards.
Competition Format:- A multi-round Medal event
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Chapman
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- P. Sutcliffe
The North Cup
The North Cup is a major club knockout competition open to both Full and Weekday members. It's a multiple round competition where players are drawn for round one. The two losing semi finalists normally caddy for the two finalists in The North Cup.
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Chapman
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- D. Pedley
The Scratch Trophy
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- VACANT
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- VACANT
Other Tournaments.
The Clayton Cup
Competition Format:- A Stableford competition, full handicap allowance.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- L. Lukic
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- A. Gavin
Mrs North's Foursomes
Competition Format:- Choose your own partners for The Mrs North's Foursomes Competition, an 18 hole full handicap stableford competition. Your opposition will then be drawn.
Competition Format:- A foursomes strokeplay competition
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- C. Guest & C. Craven
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- P. Sutcliffe & J. Mungovin
St John's Cup
Competition Format:- A medal competition, partners are drawn.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Chapman
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- P. Beckett
The Annual Medal
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- 1st Div. - C. Craven 2nd Div. - H. Sonsara
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- 1st Div. - P. Sprint 2nd Div. - S. Vine-Jenkins
The Annual Stableford
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- 1st Div. - P. Beckett 2nd Div. - H. Sonsara
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- 1st Div. - P. Sprint 2nd Div. - J. Mungovin
The Pat Weston Trophy
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- H. Shields
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- J. Mungovin
The Ethel Cordingley Texas Scramble
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- A. Gavin, C. Nixon & C. Guest
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- P. Sprint, H. Sonsara & W. Haley
The Coronation Foursomes
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- P. Sprint & J. Jackson
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- P. Sprint & D. Dack
The County Foursomes
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- P. Beckett & P. Sprint
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- P. Sprint & E. Dovernor
Ping 4Ball Betterball
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- J. Saunders & S. Terry
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- M. Goodyear & P. Sprint
The Davis & Evergreen Cups
Competition Format:- Two medal round competitions, The Davis Cup is open to members over 55, The Evergreen Cup is open to members over 65 and is played over 15 holes.
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- Davis - C. Guest Evergreen (over 15 holes) - H. Shields
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- Davis - J. Chapman Evergreen (over 15 holes) - P. Sprint
The Daily Mail Foursomes
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- J. Bey & J. Chapman
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- J. Saunders & S. Tery
The Rabbits Cup
Competition Format:- A knockout competition open to all Full and Weekday lady Rabbits.
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- H. Shields
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- S. Vine Jenkins
Rabbit Of The Year Trophy
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Mungovin
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- C. Guest
The Scratch Trophy
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- VACANT
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- VACANT
The Stork Trophy
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- J. Saunders & S. Terry
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- P. Sutcliffe & E. Dovernor
The WBGC Fourball Betterball
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holders (2022) are:- P. Beckett & J. Chapman
The previous trophy holders (2021) were:- J. Saunders & P. Beckett
The Centenary Trophy
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Mungovin
The previous trophy holder (2021) was:- P. Beckett
The Grannies Salver
Competition Format:-
The current trophy holder (2022) is:- J. Chapman
The current trophy holder (2021) was:- E. Dovernor