Terms of Competition - Summary of Changes 2024

Summary of Changes Agreed By West Bradford GC’s Handicap Committee for 2024


The WHS Rules of Handicapping state that all club handicap committees should prepare a reference guide detailing all club competitions i.e. formats, tees to be used, who is eligible to enter (male/female/ mixed as well as membership type), restrictions, applicable Handicap Allowances and examples of their calculation, including those of mixed team pairings etc etc. The document is designed to help members understand the competitions available to them, and to help resolve queries and disputes should they arise.

For ease of reference and access, a new “Competitions” page has been added to the Members Website. Within this page, you will see reference points for both Matchplay competitions and Strokeplay, as well as five other pages referenced in the Matchplay and Strokeplay pages.

Whilst I have to request all members familiarise themselves with these pages, here’s a brief summary of changes:

  • Wade Shield – the introduction of a maximum Course Handicap of 24 for men and 27 for ladies. This in addition to the cap on the maximum number of “shots” a player can receive, which remains at 18.
  • 4BBB Matchplay Handicap Allowances – as advised in the newsletter of 8th March 2024, “shots” for 4BBB matches will revert to what it used to be; 90% of the difference in handicap of the lowest handicapped player, and all other players.
  • Silver Plate – due to very low entries in each of the last two years, the Handicap Committee has decided to discontinue this competition. The Silver Plate trophy will now be presented to the Gold Cup runner-up.
  • Knockout Matchplay Competitions – going forward, the management of all knockout competitions will be achieved through ClubV1 only. The traditional drawsheets pinned up in the gents locker room will be dispensed with.

All players will continue to receive email notification of opponents, with that email also confirming the format and restrictions for the competition. Results should continue to be advised my email or text/WhatsApp to myself. Anyone wishing to view any drawsheets, can do so via the HowDidIDo app. Full details of how to do this are included in the Matchplay Drawsheets on HowDidIDo – Access Instructions [Link].

  • Matchplay Competitions Charter - all members entering matchplay competitions must familiarise themselves with the charter, and abide by its stated principles. The introduction of the charter is intended to formalise many of the historic practices which are key to ensuring the smooth running of knockout competitions.
  • The Geoff Keighley Trophy – again, due to low levels of participation, it has been decided to discontinue with the previous knockout format (for 8-15 golfers only), with the Trophy instead going to the winner of the Winter League. The winner of the current 2023/24 season will be the first recipient of the trophy in this revised format.

Geoff was a great supporter of the Winter League, and many of us have great memories with Geoff in the 19th on winter Saturdays.

  • Winter League – commencing with the Winter League 2024-25, a 75% Handicap Allowance will be applied to the Course Handicap of all players. Currently this is 85%. The reduction takes into account the potential for a shortened course, “rake and place” in bunkers, use of mats and cleaning of balls in all General Areas and the suspension of 4BBB scores for handicap purposes (due to our lack of a winter Measured Course), which don’t then allow for any downward movement in Handicap Index due to exceptional scoring.
  • Scratch Order Of Merit (OOM) – in previous years we’ve used gross adjusted Stableford scores to award Order of Merit points based on the results of the 7 qualifying Stableford competitions. However, for a Stableford score to have been eligible for OOM points, a golfer needed to have completed all holes, thereby submitting an 18 hole gross score.

Going forward, points will be awarded for Stableford competitions based solely on gross adjusted Stableford scores i.e. Stableford scores with the benefit of Playing Handicaps removed i.e. a player with a Course Handicap of 3 scores 37 points with shots taken at 3 holes. For the purposes of the Order of Merit, this will be adjusted to a gross score of 34 points. On this basis, players who fail to register a score on a hole will still be eligible for OOM points.

  • ClubV1 Score Input - a requirement that all scores requiring input into ClubV1 are done so within 30 minutes of completing play, with scorecards handed in within 30 minutes also. This will allow the potential for the Competitions team to finalise results in a more timely manner. Players repeatedly failing to enter their scores may have their Handicap Index suspended.
  • Scorecards – once input into ClubV1, scorecards should continue to be placed in the 3 division box in the 19th. With the additional requirement to now input 4BBB scores into ClubV1, it makes sense that 4BBB scorecards are placed into the 3 division box also. Any slot will do. This will save members having to return to the gents locker room.


Martin Rothera
Handicaps Chairman