The results of Saturday's & Sunday's Competition: The North Bowl

Position Name Playing H'cap Round 1 Points Round 2 Points Total
1st Place N.R. Bissett 27 48 35 83
2nd Place R. Kerridge 23 40 41 81
3rd Place A Brooke 10 39 39 78
4th Place M. Bradbury 15 38 38 76
5th Place P. Mungovin 19 36 38 74
6th Place B. Cornford 21 39 34 73
7th Place I. Pickles 10 35 38 73
8th Place P. Howell 19 38 35 73
9th Place T. Symons 22 39 34 73
10th Place C. Musgrave 1 37 35 72