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Dave Potts - New Lawrence Batley Captain

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The Seniors Section Lawrence Batley (LB) team play at home against Hebden Bridge on the opening match of the season on Friday 6th May 2022 is attached ⛳️

As you will be aware, Colin Green has been the West Bradford Golf Club LB Captain for the past 11 years during which time he led the team to the club’s first ever Lawrence Batley championship title 🏆

However, Colin is a great believer in knowing when it is time for a change and some ‘new blood’. As such, he has been looking for a suitable successor as his replacement and he is pleased to announce that after a long search that one such willing member has now been found!

To quote Colin directly, “ Finally an angel as appeared, namely Dave Potts”!! 😇

Angelic Potsy 🤔

I’m sure all members would like to wish Dave all the best in taking over as LB captain for West Bradford. 🤞🏻

To ensure a smooth transition Colin will retain secretarial duties by continuing as the club’s LB representative until Dave has fully settled in to his new role. Colin will also continue to make himself available to play, if selected! 😉

So, as one door gently closes and another one opens it’s perhaps an opportune time to thank a very modest and humble Colin for not only his leadership of the Seniors Section Lawrence Batley team, but for proudly representing the club. 👏🏻

Posted : 30/04/2022 10:55 pm