Welcome to the WBGC Members Forum
![Welcome to the forum](https://westbradfordgolfclub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Welcome-to-the-forum.jpg)
Hi guys
It’s been a long time coming, but it was nice to play some golf again and hopefully some of you managed to exit your domestic chores to do likewise.
As you will appreciate, this season’s golfing calendar has been decimated by the current situation and as such we will have to see how things develop over the coming weeks. That includes our seniors calendar and in particular the Senior Captain’s Cup (SCC) and our Over 55’s Open Day in July.
Having spoken to our skipper Andrew Haigh, the intention is to still have our SCC competition qualifier, but on a reduced weekly scores basis.
However, as this is a club qualifier this will depend on the club introducing measures that fully adhere to Government & R&A guidelines for the inputting of scores, which may include remote input from personal mobiles or online! Great idea in the use of technology, but I can feel the shudder from some seniors throughout Bradford!
In the interim and until block bookings are reinstated, it’s sadly a case of arranging your own tee times, which at the moment can only be made no earlier than 24 hours previous either via the BRS Golf app, the club website or phoning the pro. All bookings are for twoballs so perhaps use the WhatsApp group to find a partner if you need one or simply book a time and anyone can then book the same time to play with you if there’s only one name listed. The worst that can happen is that you end up playing on your own.
Finally, if anyone has any comments on how we should proceed for the 2020 seniors golfing calendar and also for how to perhaps attract new members to join us given the lockdown and the fortunate position we golfers are enjoying, please feel free to reply direct to my WhatsApp or text to 07946 580148 or email to bantampete@hotmail.co.uk or reply via this Seniors WhatsApp group.
I’m thinking that you may have friends or family who may wish to take up golf at this time, so what sort of financial membership package do you think the club would need to offer to be a competitive and realistic incentive in these unprecedented times?
Thanks and stay safe everybody 🙏🏼
Pete Leskovac