The Ladies Section at West Bradford Golf Club
West Bradford Ladies are an active section of the golf club. With regular competitions, events and fixtures throughout the golfing calendar. The Ladies Section has it's own Committee, and it's own captain.
The Ladies Section hosts one annual Open Competition. The Ladies Open - a four person team event - is held at the club each September.
Ladies Competitive Golf
The Ladies Section meet weekly on a Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. There is a ladies competition every Tuesday, which runs all day through into the evening. We also have a competition every Thursday morning for lady members.
The Ladies Section at West Bradford also has three competitive teams playing inter-club matches - Ladies A-Team, Ladies B-Team and The Ladies Evening League.

A full list of Ladies Section fixtures, results and news can be accessed by club members - just log in and visit the Ladies Section page, on the Members Intranet.
Mixed Golf and other Ladies Competitive Golf
There is a Mixed competition each Sunday at the club, and generally a second competition on a Sunday that lady members are welcome to enter.
Along with these opportunities to play competitive golf, our club professional organises regular ladies group lessons.
Saturday Golf
Unlike many golf clubs, Lady Members at West Bradford are welcome to play in the main club competition each Saturday, and many lady members at the club do just that.