Welcome to the WBGC Members Forum

Hi guys,
I know from recent discussions there is much debate about the future for all of us and nobody can give any guarantees about anything from work to sport or to just being with our loved ones again. Golf and in particular West Bradford is clearly no different, but despite the current embargo I thought it appropriate to make it known that I for one have just renewed my membership in full. We all know it’s undoubtedly a tough time for the club, especially following on from the wet winter so paying up front is my way of showing my support for the club.
Having spoken at length to our Club President Chris Rodwell, I am confident that the new management board are doing all they can in the best interests of West Bradford and it’s members to ensure our club has a viable and sustainable future for years to come.
Chris reassured me that we are not alone in this crisis as all golf clubs are ultimately taking advice from England Golf, who have set up local advisors and are in discussion with the government as to what help and financial assistance is available given the enforced closures.
At the end of the day it is down to each member to decide what’s best for them, but at West Bradford and in particular amongst our seniors section we have great friendship, highly competitive golf and camaraderie that is priceless, which was reason enough for me to renew now.
I hope that you feel the same and have confidence about the future by renewing your own memberships and showing support for your club and it’s many hard working volunteers who give their time freely to maintain OUR golf club.
Heres hoping to see you all sooner rather than later. 🙏🏼